Create your pass

Design the look and feel of your brand's wallet pass.


Designing your pass only takes a few minutes. Simply upload your push notification logo, brand logos, and banner images. Then set the colors for the background and text. Navigate to the Wallet Pass tab to get started.

Image Asset Dimensions

  • Push Icon: 500px by 500px

  • Apple Brand Logo: 480px by 150px

  • Google Brand Logo: 660px by 660px

  • Apple Banner: 1125px by 432px

  • Google Banner: 1032px by 336px

Links that live on the back of your pass. To set these, navigate to Wallet Pass and scroll to the bottom on the left. You can also set timebound links if you navigate to Engage -> Links.

Each tier can have it's own set of links. Simply click on the tier and scroll to the link section to change it.

Last updated